Coming Events
Offering Prayer Support for Personal and Congregational Needs
As we journey together in faith, it is a blessing to support one another in prayer. Whether you are facing a personal challenge, seeking guidance, or wishing to life up the needs of someone you know needs prayer, and/or our congregations Siobhan is willing to pray with and for you.
If you have a prayer request - whether it's for yourself, a loved one or our church community - please feel free to reach out. Every request, big or small, will be held in confidence and brought before God in prayer. You can also request if you would like these to be shared in a service too.
You can send your prayer requests to Let us trust in God's presence and grace as we lift up our concerns and compassion for one another together.
PA Day Program
Children in JK to age 12 are invited to our P.A. day . Drop off after 8am and pick-up by 5pm. price is $15 per child which includes snacks and lunch. Pre-registration is not required but it is appreciated.
Please pre-register HERE or by calling the church office 613-354-4373 or during evenings call Patti 613-354-6315.
As we journey together in faith, it is a blessing to support one another in prayer. Whether you are facing a personal challenge, seeking guidance, or wishing to life up the needs of someone you know needs prayer, and/or our congregations Siobhan is willing to pray with and for you.
If you have a prayer request - whether it's for yourself, a loved one or our church community - please feel free to reach out. Every request, big or small, will be held in confidence and brought before God in prayer. You can also request if you would like these to be shared in a service too.
You can send your prayer requests to Let us trust in God's presence and grace as we lift up our concerns and compassion for one another together.
PA Day Program
Children in JK to age 12 are invited to our P.A. day . Drop off after 8am and pick-up by 5pm. price is $15 per child which includes snacks and lunch. Pre-registration is not required but it is appreciated.
Please pre-register HERE or by calling the church office 613-354-4373 or during evenings call Patti 613-354-6315.
You can find our facebook site here
Just a note to remind our congregation and those who follow us on Facebook and our website that we do collect food for our local Food Bank at the Salvation Army and for the Morningstar Mission. We know that both of these awesome groups assist many in our community who have come to depend on them to get the necessities of life to continue their lives. As you proceed into our Grace church at 150 Robert St you will notice boxes ready to receive any and all of your donations of canned goods and other foods that will be taken to the Mission or the Salvation Army for distribution to the community and give hope to those in need.
The UCW is collecting pop can tabs for the Army/Navy Club, Veterans medical devices, used stamps for the Canadian Leprosy Foundation, eye glasses for the Lions Club project for counties where eye care is limited, and used/dried-up markers of all kinds to be recycled by Crayola. Containers for these items have been placed in the Narthex (at the front entrance). Thank you for helping to collecy and save these items.
The Audio/Video committee is looking for assistance - if you wondered how our church sound system works or how we record our worship services for COGECOTV please join us - speak to Chris via Leslie at the office at 613-354-4373 ext 1
Choir Practice Thursdays - begins 630pm Anyone and everyone that would like to help us make a joyful noise (voice or instrument) is invited to join us.
Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism Open House - in the Hall from 10am to 11am. Classes begin the following Thursday. For more information please contact 613-544-4733 or, or
- The Chosen group has viewed the third season of "The Chosen". You can check out "The Chosen" on Youtube as they have their own channel. It's free to watch, begin at the first season and see how this story unfolds. It's a rich reward learning more about what the disciples might have been like, their families, how Jesus taught them. Discover more about what can happen to change your life.
Thank you for supporting projects at Grace United Church!! Stay safe.
Morning Star Mission - is looking for any 1' x 1' stock pots that you are wanting to get rid of. The ones we have in our kitchen are getting near the end of the life and we could use a few more. If anyone has any to donate we would be most grateful.
Please check our bulletin boards for upcoming events? Bulletin Boards are located in the Narthex, the Administrative Hallway and in the Sunday School Hall downstairs. They are updated weekly.
Rescheduled to new date more to come on this in the future - Please join us in welcoming folks from Teen Challenge Canada. They will be making a presentation during our worship service about some of the services that they provide including a 12-month, faith-based addictions and mental health program for individuals 19 and older. Our Worship, Music and Sacraments Committee will be sponsoring a soup and sandwich luncheon following our service to welcome the group. If you are able to join us, please bring a plate of finger-foods or a dessert to add to our table.
Thurs 6 Feb - Men's Group Meets the Kub Scouts - our Hall will be full of antics as our Men's Group teams up with the 1st Napanee Valley Cubs Scouts to work on Kub Kars. This is the first of three sessions to help the kids created and build their cars....and maybe the "big boys" can build one too. The cars will then be raced in friendly competition at the Annual Kub Kar rally in March. So grab your hand tools and come out for an evening of fun!
Tue Feb 11 - Hall Rental - LARC Early-On Music and Movement Playgroup from 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Wed Feb 12 - Board Room rental - Embroidery Class - Beginner embroidery class provided by Barb Milbrandt from 630pm to 8pm. Cost is $75.00 for 4 classes ($50.00 deposit and $25.00 at the first class). Contact Bark directly if you are interested by email
Sat 15 Feb - Men's Breakfast 0800 in the Hall
Wed Feb 19 - Board Room Rental - Embroidery Class - Beginner embroidery class provided by Barb Milbrandt from 630pm to 8pm. Cost is $75.00 for 4 classes ($50.00 deposit and $25.00 at the first class) Contact Barb directly if you are interested.
Sat 22 Feb - Coldest Night of the Year Walk for Morningstar Mission. Ron Murray is putting together a team from Grace United. If you would like to join the team or make a donation towards the team's goal, please contact Ron. All donations $20 and over will receive a tax receipt.
Wed 26 Feb - Board Room Rental - Embroidery Class - Beginner embroidery class provided by Barb Milbrandt from 630pm to 8pm.
Wed 5 Mar - Board Room Rental - Embroidery Class - Beginner embroidery class provided by Barb Milbrandt from 7pm to 830pm
Sat 8 Mar - 1st Napanee Valley Kub Kar Rally
Sun 9 Mar - Lent One
Wed 12 Mar - Worship, Music and Sacraments Committee meeting at 7pm in the Board Room
Sun 16 Mar - Lent Two
Mon 17 Mar - St Patrick's Day
Congregational Prayer
Our congregation has been asked to say the following prayer as we move forward in our church.
O God, hear our prayers for Grace United Church. We pray for your guidance as we move into an uncertain future. Relieve our worries as we take comfort in the knowledge that although we cannot see the future, the future is in your hands.
May the Holy Spirit of truth and beauty guide all our decisions. May we be faithful in discipleship, as you are faithful in shepherding us.
May we be bold to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide, without apology, and without compromise.
May we be aware of the needs o our neighbours, and be quick to respond.
May our hospitality towards guests be genuine and generous.
May our giving of ourselves and our gifts be joyful, consistent and sacrificial.
May we pray without ceasing. And may we daily grow in love and holiness.
These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. Amen.